We have found that families who print/download their receipts and include our Tax ID number have been eligible to receive FSA benefits for our programs. However, please check with your employer or HR department, as not all FSA programs are the same. If your employer requires you to present any forms signed by EDMO, please submit them to info@edmo.org.
No, your kid does not need to bring any devices, EDMO will provide any technology your kid needs to participate in camp. If your child does bring a technology device, we ask that they keep it in their backpack/bag for the duration of the camp day. EDMO will not be held liability for any lost or stolen items while at camp.
Yes, all EDMO staff are background checked including a thorough criminal record check that includes federal, state and county records.
Yes, each camp location will have a minimum of one CPR & First Aid Certified staff member on-site at all times. Each Camp Director and at least one Site Assistant is CPR & First Aid Certified. In addition, each staff member receives first aid and safety training before starting camp.
Tax ID: 77-0653711
Yes, we love getting donations! Donations go directly to our Financial Assistance program to remove the financial barriers to accessing our programs. To make a donation, please click here. As we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, your gift may be tax-deductible. Please consult a qualified tax professional for more information.
We do not allow weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other banned substances at any programs. We also do not allow animals at any programs except in the case of service animals. - We have strict safety guidelines and also do not allow any unattended scooters, bikes or skateboards. If your kid rides a scooter, bike or skateboard to school or a program, we will ask them to store their scooter, bike or skateboard in a designated area and it must remain there for the duration of the program. - We ask that your kid keep any electronic devices in their bag throughout the duration of the program. Devices included but are not limited to cell phones, tablets, laptops and chromebooks.
EDMO follows the vaccination requirements for each district partner.